Sunday, March 13, 2011

Support Goes A Long Way

It's now Sunday and I've turned the clocks forward and survived Fat Tuesday/Ash Wednesday. My dad and I had a conversation about the practice of Meatless Friday during Lent and he asked if I knew why we do this. I thought I did, but apparently I was wrong. My dad, a science teach at a Catholic private school, informed me that the real reason behind all those *fish commercials before Easter was the Vatican's way to support the local fishermen and encouraged Italy to eat fish on Friday's during Lent. Imagine that. I happen to love seafood, so I usually use this time of year to splurge on oysters, lobster, and crab!

Well, writer's are no different. They not only support fellow author's, but they support causes as well. Last week, I bought a copy of Kiss Me, Kill Me. Not only did I get to read some great short stories from some of my favorite indie authors, but I was introduced to new ones: I enjoyed reading M.T. Murphy's short story so much that I am currently reading Lucifera's Pet.

They could have published this anthology and just split the royalties. I still would have bought the book. But these talented writer's decided to give all proceeds to, an international non-profit that aids in poverty, children's literacy, women's health and even rescued animals. What a great organization to support. And by purchasing this great anthology, I have now supported a great organization.

* I waited faithfully for the McDonald's filet o' fish commercial (the one with the fish that sings) and I was sorely disappointed with this years fish campaign. No song!

And now for my ROW80 update:

I kinda took a week off from writing. It was beginning to feel forced and I didn't want my stories to just be about word counts.

On Friday, I opened up one of my WIP's (a thriller/horror short novella that I'd neglected) and read what I had written so far. I was pleasantly surprised that I loved it (not being snotty, but you should love what you write or no one else is). Inspired, I got in about 2, 500 since Friday night! It is almost complete now, just a few sections to go and I will soon be shopping around for an editor. Yea!  

1 comment:

  1. it is easy to get addicted to the word count - sensible to take a step back - good luck for the next week and keep smiling


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