Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Parallel Cover!!

For those that haven't noticed, I've made a few changes to my blog. I have a bad habit of not being able to leave things alone, hence a new blog revamp. Plus, I wanted my blog to match up with my website.

This is one of the reasons I outsourced my cover design (I'd have gone through hundreds of covers if I did it myself), so once again, if you haven't already noticed, here's the new cover for Parallel!

Sarah at Warm Onion Designs, did a bang up job designing the cover. With very little direction from me, she was able to capture the feel of what my story is about. Part time-travel, part paranormal romance, I think this cover fits the bill. Plus, since my tastes tend to run a little on the dark side, this is definitely a cover I'd personally be drawn to.

If you are looking for a great cover designer at a very reasonable rate, you can take a look at Sarah's portfolio, rates, and contact info by clicking on the link on the right hand column of this blog.


  1. I absolutely love this cover!! And the blog doesn't look bad either. Lol.


  2. I've seen her stuff and passed the link on to my sis, who is also a graphic designer.

    Nice cover. When does the book come out?

  3. Stacey - thanks! I knew you'd like it.

    Kate - I should be done and pass off to beta's by the first week of July (hopeful estimate), then to the lovely Stacey (Spot) for editing. So I'm thinking August.

  4. Wow, that is an awesome cover and Sarah's prices are downright reasonable, given the recession and impending rapture and all. Love the new blog too! Thanks for the intel.

  5. Thanks Sean! Sarah was a dream to work with. Did you catch my review for Cold Faith and Zombies on Goodreads?? Loved it :)

  6. Claudia,

    I just noticed your review for CFAZ on Goodreads! I don't go on there very much but I really appreciate the review. And I'm so glad you liked the book! Thanks again.


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