Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Post Vacation Update Blues

I feel as if I just posted a ROW80 update...but here I am again filling everyone one in on my progress so far. Well, even though the first week of this challenge fell during a holiday, I did get some quality writing done on PARALLEL.

Monday - By the 4th, I was already fried by the sun, so I stayed inside the pop-up four a couple of hours watching Real Housewives of NYC (yes, you can get cable tv at a campground on the beach), and wrote a couple hundred words before the evening fireworks extravaganza! 

Tuesday - With a little foresight, I charged my laptop in preparation for our 4 hour - turned 7 hour - trip back to VA. I managed to get in 1,000 words on the way home, in-between keeping the pugs settled and eating a Sonic burger. After we got home, I finished off a chapter before turning in for the night.

Wednesday - Still too soon to tell what I'll be up to tonight, but I did manage to write a whole paragraph this morning. Wrote and sent in my inspirational post to Kait (one of my requirements as a ROW80 sponsor).

**For my fabulous beta's, I should have something for you by Sunday or mid-week.


  1. er....that Does mean me, right? ;-)

    Some Righteous progress, m'dear - keep it hopping!! Nice forethought, Prometheus.


  2. Hope that the vacation was lovely and restful! You seem to be moving right along with the book!


  3. Looks like you had a great time! I got back a few weeks ago from New Orleans and I feel like I need another vacation! Keep pressing hard on ROW80...we're all rooting for you!


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