Sunday, February 19, 2012

Tentative Publication Date for Paradox!

I got off track last week and instead of posting my progress on Wednesday, I went a little off topic. But, I actually have some substantial updates today. I tallied up my word count since last Sunday and I've managed to get in another 6k words in, which puts me very near the finish line! I have about 10k to go (I'm estimating on what scenes I have left to finish). I should be able to finish up in the next week or two and I'm done! I normally edit as I write, so I will do another quick round of editing before I start sending it off to my beta readers.

So, readers can expect to see PARADOX published sometime around mid-March! Yay! I will be able to complete my goal of finishing up book two by the end of Round 1. A big thank you goes out to all those that have asked when book two is going to be out! It definitely gets me motivated to finish up the second book in the series. I was really shooting for a February date, but I wanted to make sure I got the story right. I didn't want to put in a half-as* effort.

In other news, I have been introduced and have been suckered into checking out Pinterest. If you want to follow me and check out my boards, you can find me here. Keep in mind, I only joined up yesterday, so my boards aren't complete yet.

I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day this past week and to those lucky ones, I hope you enjoy your day off tomorrow in honor of President's Day! I unfortunately have to teach tomorrow, so no holiday break for me!


  1. Congrats on being almost done with Book 2!! I'm sure that feels great. Good luck with Pinterest - I'm already officially obsessed. Have a wonderful week!

  2. Awesome job on reaching the end of another book! I haven't checked out Pinterest yet but you are the fifth person today I've heard talk about it so my interest is thoroughly piqued now. Have a great week, Claudia :)

  3. So exciting to be near the end of a book! Oh how I look forward to that day :)

    I must must must look into indie books, especially when you think of how many ROW80er's have published.

    6K is great and here is to another productive week!

  4. Congrats on nearing the end of another book and being on track with that goal! Best of luck for the upcoming week :)

  5. A big congrats, Claudia! I plan to publish in late March - so we're in the same realm right now. Exciting ;)

  6. Congrats on getting closer to the finish line! That's always exciting. Good luck!

  7. @Lauren - I spend almost all day on Pinterest today! It is totally addicting :)

    @Gene - Thanks...Hope you have a great week!

    @Em - You MUST check out all of the wonderful indie books that are out there!!

    @Raelyn - Thanks!!

    @Nadja - Yay!! *doing a little jig*

    @Lauralynn - Thanks for all your support :)

  8. Yep, Pinterest is in the air. It's getting great word of mouth - I've read 6 posts on it and I'm very intrigued.

    Congratulations on approaching that milestone, Claudia!! I'm so happy for you. :-)

    1. I hadn't really heard of Pinterest until this seemed like everyone was suddenly posting about it, I just had to check it out!

      And thanks! I am super excited :)

  9. Can't wait to see what you've got in store for us with PARADOX!

    1. Jenn - You know you're getting a copy right off the 'digital' presses! Can't wait to see what you think :)

  10. oh.come. did you get suckered into pinterest? hmmmmmmmmm....

  11. ps, Now that I am following you, I can learn more about what goes into that amazing brain of yours!!! still no travel plans down south yet....if you get sick of the lovely weather, you two can always check out the crummy stuff up here!! ;-)


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