Friday, January 7, 2011

A Sure Thing

I will be the first to admit, I couldn't wait to watch the season premiere of Jersey Shore last night and I can't wait to see Sammi the Sweetheart get her ass kicked in next Thursday's episode. I don't remember how I got hooked into watching Jersey Shore, but I think it was when my husband was watching the season two marathon one boring Sunday and couldn't reach for the remote.

If you're reading this blog (and I thank you profusely) then I can assume you are interesting in writing/authors/books and have no doubt heard the buzz about Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi's new book. I think the issues with this concept is as obvious as it is universally noted.

I'm not surprised that Simon & Schuster has agreed to publish this book that claims is "about a girl looking for love on the boardwalk (one full of big hair, dark tans and fights galore)." As one of the Big 6, they are out to make money and (unfortunately for us) reality stars pay out. But unfortunately for them, they miss the opportunity to sign a talented writer simply because they don't generate the big bucks as a newbie...but it's really the readers that end up losing in the long run (isn't it??).

But to be honest, it makes me feel better knowing there's a book entitled A Shore Thing, by Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi, because that means there is a book out there that is definitely worse than anything I could ever come up with. :)

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